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Consultations are given in person, or by phone. You can have an ancient oil consultation for any ailment under the sun. We recommend therapeutic grade precious and essential oils and may make recommendations of herbal remedies, diet, and the use of our bush baths and or spa treatments.
Some of the essential or precious oils may be rare, and need to be special ordered, which will usually take from 5-7 business days for me to receive the oils.
Face to face; $15.00 –15 minutes (By Phone $10.00 - 15 Minutes)
Essential oils are recommended for use in various applications ex. Bath, inhalation, raindrop therapy, topical, massage, cold air diffusing and neat.
The ability of the essential oils to act on both the mind and the body is what makes them truly unique among natural therapeutics. The fragrance of one essential oil can be very stimulating, both psychologically and physically. The fragrance of another may be very calming, and sedating, helping to overcome anxiety or hyperactivity. They may stimulate immune function and regenerate damaged tissue. They may combat infectious disease by killing viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. They have effects on the brain, especially on the hypothalamus, and many essential oils increase oxygen to the brain.
Choose option for your consultation, thereafter we will arrange a convenient time.